Famous for its action on the liver and in the treatment of obesity, diabetes, and gout. In homeopathic potencies useful in weakness of all organs, constipation, great liability to take cold. Periodicity, effects repeated after from two to four weeks (Oxal ac; Sulph). Flashes of heat all over. Itching on various parts.
Carlsbad treatment for Mind ailments: Discouraged and anxious about domestic duties.
Carlsbad treatment for Head ailments: Aches, with swollen temporal veins (Sang); better, motion, in open air.
Carlsbad treatment for Face ailments: Yellow; sallow; red and hot; pain in zygomatic process; feels as if cobwebs were on it.
Carlsbad treatment for Stomach ailments: Tongue coated white. Offensive smell from mouth. Furry sensation. Sour or salty taste. Hiccough and yawning. Heartburn (Carbo).
Stream weak and slow; only passed by pressing abdominal muscles.Carlsbad treatment for Rectum ailments: Feces held back. Stool slow, and only passed by much abdominal pressure. Burning in rectum and anus. Bleeding piles.
Carlsbad treatment for Relationship ailments: Carlsbad treatment for Compare ailments: Nat sulph; Nux.
Carlsbad treatment for Dose ailments: Lower potencies.