Abies Nigra is a powerful cure, in assorted forms of illness, if the feature venter signs are present. Most of the signs are associated with the gastric disturbances. In atrabilious ailments of the old people, with functional heart symptoms; likewise afterwards tea or tobacco. Costiveness. Pain in external meatus.
Clinical signs for Abies Nigra are costiveness, cough, indigestion, belching, hemorrhage, hypochondriasis, Malarial feverishness, effects of Tea and nicotine.
Homeopathy Abies Nigra symptoms for head ills: Hot, with flushed cheeks. Blue. slow throughout the day, up at hours of darkness. Effete to logical thinking.
Homeopathic Abies Nigra symptoms for stomach complaints: Aching in epigaster all the time derives on afterwards eating. Sense experience of a chunk that harms, as if a hard-boiled egg had lodged in cardiac end of epigaster; recurrent disturbing contraction precisely above the pit of the epigaster, as if all were gnarled up. Entire loss of appetite in morning, but strong craving for food at noon and nighttime. Halitosis. Burping.
Homeopathy Abies Nigra symptoms for chest: Sore sense impression, as if something were lodged in the thorax and had to be coughed up; lungs feel tight. Cannot be fully enlarged. Worse tussis; waterbrash succeeds coughing. Strangling aesthesis in pharynx. Difficult respiration; worse lying down; sharp, lancinating ache in heart; heart's action labored and slow; tachycardia, bradycardia.
Homoeopathic Abies Nigra symptoms for back ailments: Ache in small of back. Rheumatic pains and ache in bones.
Homeopathy Abies Nigra symptoms for sleep ailments: Wakeful and restless at night, with hungriness. Bad dreams.
Homoeopathy Abies Nigra symptoms for fever ills: Alternating warmth and chilly; chronic intermittent pyrexia, with ache in epigaster.
Location and Direction: Left aching in epigaster stretching to side.
Sense impression: As if choking;
Tissues: rheumatic pains and aching in bones.
Modalities ailments: Worsened after a meal.
Relationship: (Lump in stomach--China, Bryon, Pulsat); also other Conifers--Thuja, Sabina, Cupressus (painful indigestion) also Nux vom, Kali carb.
Dosage proposition: First to thirtieth potency.