Homeopathy treatment or homoeopathy medicine is a medical system built on the principle that like cures like. It primarily uses potentised (extremely diluted) remedies to stimulate the body’s own healing functions. The word homeopathy comes from the Greek words homios (similar) and pathos (suffering), and the basis of the method is that like cures like. Homeopathy started to develop during the end of the 18th century, although some fundamental ideas have been known for a long time in Indian and Oriental Medicine. They have also been noted by historical medical personas like Hippocrates and Paracelsus.

Homeopathic herbal remedies or a homoeopathic remedy used in homeopathy are usually potentised, which means that they are diluted in several stages. Other remedies are used as well.
The theory behind the potentization is that the effectiveness of a remedy is inversely proportional to its main substance. The potency isn’t in the substance itself, but in its pattern, and the less there is of that substance the more powerful the pattern. This is explained by that energy is created and augmented through the rhythmic shaking of the solution when it is diluted.

Check out some of our homeopathic remedies below:

Abies nigra Abrotanum Abrus Precatorius Absinthium Acalypha indica Acetanilidum Acidum aceticum Acidum carbolicum Homoeopathy Aconitum napellus Actaea spicata Adonis vernalis Adrenalinum Aesculus hippocastanum Aethiops Mineralis Aethusa cynapium Agaricus muscarius Agave Americana Agnus castus Agraphis nutans Ailanthus glandulosa Aletris farinosa Alfalfa Allium cepa Allium sativum Alnus Rubra Aloe socotrina Alstonia Scholaris Alumen Alumina Alumina Silicata Ambra Grisea Ambrosia artemisiae folia Ammoniacum Gummi Ammonium Benzoicum Ammonium bromatum Ammonium carbonicum Ammonium Causticum Ammonium Iodatum Ammonium muriaticum Ammonium Phosphoricum Ammonium Picricum Ammonium Valerianicum Ampelopsis Quinquefolia Amygdalus Persica Amyl nitrite Anacardium orientale Anagallis arvensis Anantherum muricatum Anemopsis Californica Angustura vera Anhalonium Lewinii Anilinum Anisum Stellatum Anthemis Nobilis Anthracinum Anthracokali Antimonium Arsenicosum Antimonium crudum Antimonium Sulphuratum Aurantiacum Antimonium tartaricum Antipyrinum Aphis Chenopodii glauci Apis mellifica Apium Graveolens Apocynum Androsaemifolium

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Calcarea Carbonica

Carbonate of Lime

This great Hahnemannian anti-psoric is a constitutional remedy par excellence. Its chief action is centered in the vegetative sphere, impaired nutrition being the keynote of its action, the glands, skin, and bones, being instrumental in the changes wrought. Increased local and general perspiration, swelling of glands, scrofulous and rachitic conditions generally offer numerous opportunities for the exhibition of Calcarea. Incipient phthisis (Ars jod; Tuberculin). It covers the tickling cough, fleeting chest pains, nausea, acidity and dislike of fat. Gets out of breath easily. A jaded state, mental or physical, due to overwork. Abscesses in deep muscles; polypi and exostoses. Pituitary and thyroid disfunction.

Raised blood coagulability (Strontium). Is a definite stimulant to the periosteum. Is a haemostatic and gives this power probably to the gelatine injections.

Easy relapses, interrupted convalescence. Persons of scrofulous type, who take cold easily, with increased mucous secretions, children who grow fat, are large-bellied, with large head, pale skin, chalky look, the so-called leuco-phlegmatic temperament; affections caused by working in water. Great sensitiveness to cold; partial sweats. Children crave eggs and eat dirt and other indigestible things; are prone to diarrhoea. Calcarea patient is fat, fair, flabby and perspiring and cold, damp and sour.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Mind ailments: Apprehensive; worse towards evening; fears loss of reason, misfortune, contagious diseases. Forgetful, confused, low-spirited. Anxiety with palpitation. Obstinacy; slight mental effort produces hot head. Averse to work or exertion.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Head ailments: Sense of weight on top of head. Headache, with cold hands and feet. Vertigo on ascending, and when turning head. Headache from overlifting, from mental exertion, with nausea. Head feels hot and heavy, with pale face. Icy coldness in, and on the head, especially right side. Open fontanelles; head enlarged; much perspiration, wets the pillow. Itching of the scalp. Scratches head on waking.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Eyes ailments: Sensitive to light. Lachrymation in open air and early in morning. Spots and ulcers on cornea. Lachrymal ducts closed from exposure to cold. Easy fatigue of eyes. Far sighted. Itching of lids, swollen, scurfy. Chronic dilatation of pupils. Cataract. Dimness of vision, as if looking through a mist. Lachrymal fistula; scrofulous ophthalmia.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Ears ailments: Throbbing; cracking in ears; stitches; pulsating pain as if something would press out. Deafness from working in water. Polypi which bleed easily. Scrofulous inflammation with muco-purulent otorrhoea, and enlarged glands. Perversions of hearing; hardness of hearing. Eruption on and behind ear (Petrol). Cracking noises in ear. Sensitive to cold about ears and neck.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Nose ailments: Dry, nostrils sore, ulcerated. Stoppage of nose, also with fetid, yellow discharge. Offensive odor in nose. Polypi; swelling at root of nose. Epistaxis. Coryza. Takes cold at every change of weather. Catarrhal symptoms with hunger; coryza alternates with colic.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Face ailments: Swelling of upper lip. Pale, with deep-seated eyes, surrounded by dark rings. Crusta lactea; itching, burning after washing. Submaxillary glands swollen. Goitre. Itching of pimples in whiskers. Pain from right mental foramen along lower jaw to ear.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Mouth ailments: Persistent sour taste. Mouth fills with sour water. Dryness of tongue at night. Bleeding of gums. Difficult and delayed dentition. Teeth ache; excited by current of air, anything cold or hot. Offensive smell from mouth. Burning pain at tip of tongue; worse, anything warm taken into stomach.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Throat ailments: Swelling of tonsils and submaxillary glands; stitches on swallowing. Hawking-up of mucus. Difficult swallowing. Goitre. Parotid fistula.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Stomach ailments: Aversion to meat, boiled things; craving for indigestible things-chalk, coal, pencils; also for eggs, salt and sweets. Milk disagrees. Frequent sour eructations; sour vomiting. Dislike of fat. Loss of appetite when overworked. Heartburn and loud belching. Cramps in stomach; worse, pressure, cold water. Ravenous hunger. Swelling over pit of stomach, like a saucer turned bottom up. Repugnance to hot food. Pain in epigastric region to touch. Thirst; longing for cold drinks. Aggravation while eating. Hyperchlorhydria (Phos).

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Abdomen ailments: Sensitive to slightest pressure. Liver region painful when stooping. Cutting in abdomen; swollen abdomen. Incarcerated flatulence. Inguinal and mesenteric glands swollen and painful. Cannot bear tight clothing around the waist. Distention with hardness. Gall-stone colic. Increase of fat in abdomen. Umbilical hernia. Trembling; weakness, as if sprained. Children are late in learning to walk.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Stool ailments: Crawling and constriction in rectum. Stool large and hard (Bry); whitish, watery, sour. Prolapse ani, and burning, stinging haemorrhoids. Diarrhoea of undigested, food, fetid, with ravenous appetite. Children's diarrhoea. Constipation; stool at first hard, then pasty, then liquid.

Urine: Dark, brown, sour, fetid, abundant, with white sediment, bloody. Irritable bladder. Enuresis (Use 30th, also Tuberculin. 1 m.).

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Male ailments: Frequent emissions. Increased desire. Semen emitted too soon. Coition followed by weakness and irritability.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Female ailments: Before menses, headache, colic, chilliness and leucorrhoea. Cutting pains in uterus during menstruation. Menses too early, too profuse, too long, with vertigo, toothache and cold, damp feet; the least excitement causes their return. Uterus easily displaced. Leucorrhoea, milky (Sepia). Burning and itching of parts before and after menstruation; in little girls. Increased sexual desire; easy conception. Hot swelling breasts. Breasts tender and swollen before menses. Milk too abundant; disagreeable to child. Deficient lactation, with distended breasts in lymphatic women. Much sweat about external genitals. Sterility with copious menses. Uterine polypi.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Respiratory ailments: Tickling cough troublesome at night, dry and free expectoration in morning; cough when playing piano, or by eating. Persistent, irritating cough from arsenical wall paper (Clarke). Extreme dyspnoea. Painless hoarseness; worse in the morning. Expectoration only during the day; thick, yellow, sour mucus. Bloody expectoration; with sour sensation in chest. Suffocating spells; tightness, burning and soreness in chest; worse going upstairs or slightest ascent, must sit down. Sharp pains in chest from before backwards. Chest very sensitive to touch, percussion, or pressure. Longing for fresh air. Scanty, salty expectoration (Lyc).

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Heart ailments: Palpitation at night and after eating. Palpitation with feeling of coldness, with restless oppression of chest; after suppressed eruption.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Back ailments: Pain as if sprained; can scarcely rise; from overlifting. Pain between shoulder-blades, impeding breathing. Rheumatism in lumbar region; weakness in small of back. Curvature of dorsal vertebrae. Nape of neck stiff and rigid. Renal colic.

Extremities: Rheumatoid pains, as after exposure to wet. Sharp sticking, as if parts were wrenched or sprained. Cold, damp feet; feel as if damp stockings were worn. Cold knees cramps in calves. Sour foot-sweat. Weakness of extremities. Swelling of joints, especially knee. Burning of soles of feet. Sweat of hands. Arthritic nodosities. Soles of feet raw. Feet feel cold and dead at night. Old sprains. Tearing in muscles.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Sleep ailments: Ideas crowding in her mind prevent sleep. Horrid visions when opening eyes. Starts at every noise; fears that she will go crazy. Drowsy in early part of evening. Frequent waking at night. Same disagreeable idea always arouses from light slumber. Night terrors (Kali phos). Dreams of the dead.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Fever ailments: Chill at 2 pm begins internally in stomach region. Fever with sweat. Pulse full and frequent. Chilliness and heat. Partial sweats. Night sweats, especially on head, neck and chest. Hectic fever. Heat at night during menstruation, with restless sleep. Sweat over head in children, so that pillow becomes wet.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Skin ailments: Unhealthy; readily ulcerating; flaccid. Small wounds do not heal readily. Glands swollen. Nettle rash; better in cold air. Warts on face and hands. Petechial eruptions. Chilblains. Boils.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Modalities ailments: Worse, from exertion, mental or physical; ascending; cold in every form; water, washing, moist air, wet weather; during full moon; standing. Better, dry climate and weather; lying on painful side. Sneezing (pain in head and nape).

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Relationship ailments: Antidotes: Camph; Ipec; Nit ac; Nux.

Complementary: Bell; Rhus; Lycop; Silica.

Calcar is useful after Sulphur where the pupils remain dilated. When Pulsatilla failed in school girls.

Incompatible: Bry; Sulphur should not be given after Calc.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Compare ailments: Aqua calcar: Lime-water--(1/2 teaspoonful in milk); (as injection for oxyuris vermicularis), and Calc caust--slaked lime--(pain in back and heels, jaws and malar bones; also symptoms of influenza). Calc brom (removes inflammatory products from uterus; children of lax fiber, nervous and irritable, with gastric and cerebral irritation. Tendency to brain disease. Insomnia and cerebral congestion. Give 1x trituration). Sulph (differs in being worse by heat, hot feet, etc).

Calcar calcinata-Calcined oyster-shell-a remedy for warts. Use 3d trituration. Calcarea ovorum. Ova tosta-Toasted egg-shells--(backache and leucorrhoea. Feeling as if back were broken in two; tired feeling. Also effective in controlling suffering from cancer).

Calcar lactic (anaemias, haemophilia, urticaria, where the coagulability of the blood is diminished; nervous headache with oedema of eyelids, lips or hands; 15 grains three times a day, but low potencies often equally effective).

Calcar lacto-phosph (5 grains 3 times a day in cyclic vomiting and migraine).

Calc mur: Calcium chloratum-Rademacher's Liquor--(1 part to 2 of distilled water, of which take 15 drops in half a cup of water, five times daily. Boils. Porrigo capitis. Vomiting of all food and drink, with gastric pain. Impetigo, glandular swellings, angioneurotic oedema. Pleurisy with effusion. Eczema in infants).

Calcar picrata, (peri-follicular inflammation; a remedy of prime importance in recurring or chronic boils, particularly when located on parts thinly covered with muscle tissue, as on shinbones, coccyx, auditory canal, dry, scurfy accumulation and exfoliation of epithelial scales, etc, styes, phlyctenules. Use 3x trit).

Compare also with Calcarea: Lycop; Silica; Pulsat; Chamom.

Calcarea Carbonica treatment for Dose ailments: Sixth trit. Thirtieth and higher potencies. Should not be repeated too frequently in elderly people.