Homeopathy treatment or homoeopathy medicine is a medical system built on the principle that like cures like. It primarily uses potentised (extremely diluted) remedies to stimulate the body’s own healing functions. The word homeopathy comes from the Greek words homios (similar) and pathos (suffering), and the basis of the method is that like cures like. Homeopathy started to develop during the end of the 18th century, although some fundamental ideas have been known for a long time in Indian and Oriental Medicine. They have also been noted by historical medical personas like Hippocrates and Paracelsus.

Homeopathic herbal remedies or a homoeopathic remedy used in homeopathy are usually potentised, which means that they are diluted in several stages. Other remedies are used as well.
The theory behind the potentization is that the effectiveness of a remedy is inversely proportional to its main substance. The potency isn’t in the substance itself, but in its pattern, and the less there is of that substance the more powerful the pattern. This is explained by that energy is created and augmented through the rhythmic shaking of the solution when it is diluted.

Check out some of our homeopathic remedies below:

Abies nigra Abrotanum Abrus Precatorius Absinthium Acalypha indica Acetanilidum Acidum aceticum Acidum carbolicum Homoeopathy Aconitum napellus Actaea spicata Adonis vernalis Adrenalinum Aesculus hippocastanum Aethiops Mineralis Aethusa cynapium Agaricus muscarius Agave Americana Agnus castus Agraphis nutans Ailanthus glandulosa Aletris farinosa Alfalfa Allium cepa Allium sativum Alnus Rubra Aloe socotrina Alstonia Scholaris Alumen Alumina Alumina Silicata Ambra Grisea Ambrosia artemisiae folia Ammoniacum Gummi Ammonium Benzoicum Ammonium bromatum Ammonium carbonicum Ammonium Causticum Ammonium Iodatum Ammonium muriaticum Ammonium Phosphoricum Ammonium Picricum Ammonium Valerianicum Ampelopsis Quinquefolia Amygdalus Persica Amyl nitrite Anacardium orientale Anagallis arvensis Anantherum muricatum Anemopsis Californica Angustura vera Anhalonium Lewinii Anilinum Anisum Stellatum Anthemis Nobilis Anthracinum Anthracokali Antimonium Arsenicosum Antimonium crudum Antimonium Sulphuratum Aurantiacum Antimonium tartaricum Antipyrinum Aphis Chenopodii glauci Apis mellifica Apium Graveolens Apocynum Androsaemifolium

Check out all homeopathic remedies for homeopathic treatment

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Catarrhal symptoms, especially of the respiratory tract, and distinct eye symptoms of a paralytic type, are most characteristic. Circumscribed spots in chest left after inflammations.

Senega treatment for Mind ailments: Suddenly remembers unimportant regions which he saw long ago. Inclined to quarrel.

Senega treatment for Head ailments: Dullness, with pressure and weakness of eyes. Pain in temples. Bursting pain in forehead.

Senega treatment for Eyes ailments: Hyperphoria, better by bending head backwards. Acts on the rectus superior. Blepharitis; lids dry and crusty (Graph). Dryness, with sensation as if too large for orbits. Starting. Lachrymation. Flickering; must wipe eyes frequently. Objects look shaded. Muscular asthenopia (Caust). Double vision; better only by bending head backward. Opacities of the vitreous humor. Promotes absorption of fragments of lens, after operation.

Senega treatment for Nose ailments: Dry. Coryza; much watery mucus and sneezing. Nostrils feel peppery.

Senega treatment for Face ailments: Paralysis of left side of face. Heat in face. Burning vesicles in corners of mouth and lips.

Senega treatment for Throat ailments: Catarrhal inflammation of throat and fauces, with scraping hoarseness. Burning and rawness. Sensation as if membrane had been abraded.

Senega treatment for Respiratory ailments: Hoarseness. Hurts to talk. Bursting pain in back on coughing. Catarrh of larynx. Loss of voice. Hacking cough. Thorax feels too narrow. Cough often ends in a sneeze. Rattling in chest (Tart emet). Chest oppressed on ascending. Bronchial catarrh, with sore chest walls; much mucus; sensation of oppression and weight of chest. Difficult raising of tough, profuse mucus, in the aged. Asthenic bronchitis of old people with chronic interstitial nephritis or chronic emphysema. Old asthmatics with congestive attacks. Exudations in Pleura. Hydrothorax (Merc sulph). Pressure on chest as though lungs were forced back to spine. Voice unsteady, vocal cords partially paralyzed.

Senega treatment for Urinary ailments: Greatly diminished; loaded with shreds and mucus; scalding before and after urinating. Back, bursting distending pain in kidney region.

Senega treatment for Modalities ailments: Worse, walking in open air, during rest. Better, from sweat; bending head backwards.

Senega treatment for Relationship ailments: Senega treatment for Compare ailments: Caust; Phos; Saponin; Ammon; Calc; Nepeta cataria-Catnip (to break up a cold; infantile colic: hysteria).

Senega treatment for Dose ailments: Tincture, to thirtieth potency.