Homeopathy treatment or homoeopathy medicine is a medical system built on the principle that like cures like. It primarily uses potentised (extremely diluted) remedies to stimulate the body’s own healing functions. The word homeopathy comes from the Greek words homios (similar) and pathos (suffering), and the basis of the method is that like cures like. Homeopathy started to develop during the end of the 18th century, although some fundamental ideas have been known for a long time in Indian and Oriental Medicine. They have also been noted by historical medical personas like Hippocrates and Paracelsus.

Homeopathic herbal remedies or a homoeopathic remedy used in homeopathy are usually potentised, which means that they are diluted in several stages. Other remedies are used as well.
The theory behind the potentization is that the effectiveness of a remedy is inversely proportional to its main substance. The potency isn’t in the substance itself, but in its pattern, and the less there is of that substance the more powerful the pattern. This is explained by that energy is created and augmented through the rhythmic shaking of the solution when it is diluted.

Check out some of our homeopathic remedies below:

Abies nigra Abrotanum Abrus Precatorius Absinthium Acalypha indica Acetanilidum Acidum aceticum Acidum carbolicum Homoeopathy Aconitum napellus Actaea spicata Adonis vernalis Adrenalinum Aesculus hippocastanum Aethiops Mineralis Aethusa cynapium Agaricus muscarius Agave Americana Agnus castus Agraphis nutans Ailanthus glandulosa Aletris farinosa Alfalfa Allium cepa Allium sativum Alnus Rubra Aloe socotrina Alstonia Scholaris Alumen Alumina Alumina Silicata Ambra Grisea Ambrosia artemisiae folia Ammoniacum Gummi Ammonium Benzoicum Ammonium bromatum Ammonium carbonicum Ammonium Causticum Ammonium Iodatum Ammonium muriaticum Ammonium Phosphoricum Ammonium Picricum Ammonium Valerianicum Ampelopsis Quinquefolia Amygdalus Persica Amyl nitrite Anacardium orientale Anagallis arvensis Anantherum muricatum Anemopsis Californica Angustura vera Anhalonium Lewinii Anilinum Anisum Stellatum Anthemis Nobilis Anthracinum Anthracokali Antimonium Arsenicosum Antimonium crudum Antimonium Sulphuratum Aurantiacum Antimonium tartaricum Antipyrinum Aphis Chenopodii glauci Apis mellifica Apium Graveolens Apocynum Androsaemifolium

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Rhus toxicodendron


The effects on the skin, rheumatic pains, mucous membrane affections, and a typhoid type of fever, make this remedy frequently indicated. Rhus affects fibrous tissue markedly-joints, tendons, sheaths-aponeurosis, etc, producing pains and stiffness. Post-operative complications. Tearing asunder pains. Motion always "limbers up" the Rhus patient, and hence he feels better for a time from a change of position. Ailments from strains, overlifting, getting wet while perspiring. Septic conditions. Cellulitis and infections, carbuncles in early stages (Echinac). Rheumatism in the cold season. Septicaemia.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Mind ailments: Listless, sad. Thoughts of suicide. Extreme restlessness, with continued change of position. Delirium, with fear of being poisoned (Hyos). Sensorium becomes cloudy. Great apprehension at night, cannot remain in bed.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Head ailments: Feels as if a board were strapped on the forehead. Vertigo when rising. Heavy head. Brain feels loose and as if struck against skull on walking or rising. Scalp sensitive; worse on side lain on. Headache in occiput (Rhus rad); painful to touch. Pain in forehead and proceeds thence backward. Humid eruptions on scalp; itching greatly.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Eyes ailments: Swollen, red, oedematous; orbital cellulitis. Pustular inflammations. Photophobia; profuse flow of yellow pus. Oedema of lids, suppurative iritis. Lids inflamed, agglutinated swollen. Old injured eyes. Circumscribed corneal injection. Intensive ulceration of the cornea. Iritis, after exposure to cold and dampness, and of rheumatic origin. Eye painful on turning it or pressing, can hardly move it, as in acute retrobulbar neuritis. Profuse gush of hot, scalding tears upon opening lids.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Ears ailments: Pain in ears, with sensation as if something were in them. Lobules swollen. Discharge of bloody pus.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Nose ailments: Sneezing; coryza from getting wet. Tip of nose red, sore, ulcerated. Swelling of nose. Nosebleed on stooping.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Face ailments: Jaws crack when chewing. Easy dislocation of jaw (Ign; Petrol). Swollen face, erysipelas. Cheek bones sensitive to touch. Parotitis. Facial neuralgia, with chilliness; worse, evening. Crusta lactea (Calc; Viol tric).

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Mouth ailments: Teeth feel loose and long; gums sore. Tongue red and cracked; coated, except red triangular space at the tip; dry and red at edges. Corners of mouth ulcerated; fever-blisters around mouth and chin (Nat mur). Pain in maxillary joint.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Throat ailments: Sore, with swollen glands. Sticking pain on swallowing. Parotitis; left side.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Stomach ailments: Want of appetite for any kind of food, with unquenchable thirst. Bitter taste (Cupr). Nausea, vertigo, and bloated abdomen after eating. Desire for milk. Great thirst, with dry mouth and throat. Pressure as from a stone. (Bry; Ars) Drowsy after eating.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Abdomen ailments: Violent pains, relieved by lying on abdomen. Swelling of inguinal glands. Pain in region of ascending colon. Colic, compelling to walk bent. Excessive distention after eating. Rumbling of flatus on first rising, but disappears with continued motion.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Rectum ailments: Diarrhoea of blood, slime, and reddish mucus. Dysentery, with tearing pains down thighs. Stools of cadaverous odor. Frothy, painless stools. Will often abort a beginning suppurative process near the rectum. Dysentery.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Urinary ailments: Dark, turbid, high-colored, scanty urine, with white sediment. Dysuria, with loss of blood.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Male ailments: Swelling of glands and prepuce-dark-red erysipelatous; scrotum thick, swollen, oedematous. Itching intense.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Female ailments: Swelling, with intense itching of vulva. Pelvic articulations stiff when beginning to move. Menses early, profuse, and prolonged, acrid. Lochia thin, protracted, offensive diminished (Puls; Secale), with shooting upwards in vagina (Sep).

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Respiratory ailments: Tickling behind upper sternum. Dry, teasing cough from midnight until morning, during a chill, or when putting hands out of bed. Haemoptysis from overexertion; blood bright red. Influenza, with aching in all bones (Eup perf). Hoarseness from overtraining voice (Arn). Oppression of the chest, cannot get breath with sticking pains. Bronchial coughs in old people, worse on awaking and with expectoration of small plugs of mucus.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Heart ailments: Hypertrophy from overexertion. Pulse quick, weak, irregular, intermittent, with numbness of left arm. Trembling and palpitation when sitting still.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Back ailments: Pain between shoulders on swallowing. Pain and stiffness in small of back; better, motion, or lying on something hard; worse, while sitting. Stiffness of the nape of the neck.

Extremities: Hot, painful swelling of joints. Pains tearing in tendons, ligaments, and fasciae. Rheumatic pains spread over a large surface at nape of neck, loins, and extremities; better motion (Agaric). Soreness of condyles of bones. Limbs stiff paralyzed. The cold fresh air is not tolerated; it makes the skin painful. Pain along ulnar nerve. Tearing down thighs. Sciatica; worse, cold, damp weather, at night. Numbness and formication, after overwork and exposure. Paralysis; trembling after exertion. Tenderness about knee-joint. Loss of power in forearm and fingers; crawling sensation in the tips of fingers. Tingling in feet.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Fever ailments: Adynamic; restless, trembling. Typhoid; tongue dry and brown; sordes; bowels loose; great restlessness. Intermittent; chill, with dry cough and restlessness. During heat, urticaria. Hydroa. Chilly, as if cold water were poured over him, followed by heat and inclination to stretch the limbs.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Skin ailments: Red, swollen; itching intense. Vesicles, herpes; urticaria; pemphigus; erysipelas; vesicular suppurative forms. Glands swollen. Cellulitis. Burning eczematous eruptions with tendency to scale formation.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Sleep ailments: Dreams of great exertion. Heavy sleep, as from stupor. Sleepless before midnight.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Modalities ailments: Worse, during sleep, cold, wet rainy weather and after rain; at night, during rest, drenching, when lying on back or right side. Better, warm, dry weather, motion; walking, change of position, rubbing, warm applications, from stretching out limbs.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Relationship ailments: Complementary: Bry; Calc fluor. Phytol (Rheumatism). In urticaria follow with Bovista.

Inimical: Apis.

Antidotes: Bathing with milk and Grindelia lotion very effective. Ampelopsis Trifolia-Three-leaf Woodbine--(Toxic dermatitis due to vegetable poisons-30 and 200. Very similar to Rhus poisoning). Desensitizing against Ivy poisoning by the use of descending doses of the tincture by mouth or by hypodermic injections is recommended by old school authorities, but is not as effective as the homeopathic remedies especially Rhus 30 and 200 and Anacard, etc. Anacard; Croton; Grindelia; Mezer; Cyprip; Plumbago (eczema of vulva); Graph.

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Compare ailments: Rhus radicans (almost identical action); characteristics are, burning in tongue, tip feels sore, pains are often semilateral and in various parts, often remote and successive. Many symptoms are better after a storm has thoroughly set in, especially after an electric storm. Has pronounced yearly aggravation (Laches). Rhus radicans has headache in occiput even pain in nape of neck and from there pains draw over the head forwards. Rhus diversiloba-California Poison-oak (antidote to Rhus; violent skin symptoms, with frightful itching; much swelling of face, hands and genitals; skin very sensitive; eczema and erysipelas, great nervous weakness, tired from least effort; goes to sleep from sheer exhaustion); Xerophyllum (dysmenorrhoea and skin symptoms). Compare, also; Arn; Bapt; Lach; Ars; Hyos; Op (stupefaction more profound). Mimosa-Sensitive Plant--(rheumatism, knee stiff, lancinating pains in back and limbs. Swelling of ankles Legs tremble).

Rhus toxicodendron treatment for Dose ailments: Sixth to thirtieth potency. The 200th and higher are antidotal to poisoning with the plant and tincture.